Horsey Holidays! Your Guide to Equestrian Ornaments!

Well, it’s that time again. Christmas music. Christmas decorations. Christmas food. Christmas Lists. Whew! Christmas is such a fun time of year, but do you ever think that it’s gotten a little out of hand? I mean, how many toys does one kid need anyway? And is that really what we should be focusing on? But horses? That’s a different story! 😉 I remember giving my parents the entire Dover Saddlery catalog with tons of red circles and notes in the margins. It was just easier than trying to explain what all of the different horsey items were and how they were used. Not much has changed actually. Now I’m just handing over the catalog to my husband! haha!


Another tradition that I’ve managed to continue since childhood is putting up my own special “horse tree”. The tree has gotten very crowded over the years, but it’s fun to look back and see all of the unique horsey ornaments and remember where I got them and who they were from.


Back then, there weren’t many horse ornaments to choose from and every “equestrian” decoration I had was made by me or my mom. Now, the amount of horsey decorations is quite astonishing! Here are some of my favorite ornaments to add to your own horse themed tree…


1. Wooden Dressage Cutout Ornament – The graphic designer in me really appreciates this idea! It also comes in other disciplines…and in puzzle form!

2. Personalized Horse Ornament – How cool is this? It’s going on my wish list for sure!

3. Saddle ornaments – Beautiful glass saddle ornaments in English & Western styles!

4. Pewter Ornaments – Definitely something to cherish for years to come!

Merry Christmas everyone!