I love to follow other equestrians on social media! Fly On Over had a great idea to start a link up, so here's my info: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/seehorsedesign Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/seehorsedesign Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/laurenmallen I only have time to concentrate on these three at the moment, but I may add more in the future! I hope to see all you fellow equestrians on social media very soon!

Christmas is almost here! Are you ready for it? This time of year can be stressful with all of the preparations, shopping, wrapping and traveling. You've probably checked off almost everyone on your list by now, but what about your horse? Do you get him/her a gift? If you're like me, most or all of your Christmas list was probably

I've always loved Baker. I remember sitting in my room as a kid, thumbing through Dover, Horse Illustrated and whatever equestrian magazines I was able to get my hands on that week. There was always something special about the Baker blankets, something classic and traditional that defined equestrian style. Fast forward a few years (or more!) and I still love

Winter came pretty unexpectedly for us this year. 75 degrees last Monday and then Tuesday the high was a whopping 35! None of us were ready, including Dancer. He was in the barn overnight due to the crazy temperature drop and me not wanting to blanket him at 75 degrees when I fed but not wanting him to be freezing