Easy Peasy Tack Cleaning
The word "easy" and cleaning tack normally aren't used in the same sentence. I realize that. I assure you that I haven't completely lost my mind. I've just discovered a great product that has significantly cut down my tack cleaning time. Tack wipes! I know, not a new concept. But why are so many people against them? I've found that
Ringbone or…Wingbone?
That's right, I said Wingbone. With a "W". Never heard of it? It's a new one for me too. I got a little worried a few weeks ago when I noticed protruding bumps around Dancer's front pasterns. I thought it was strange that it was on both front pasterns in the same spot. I monitored them for a few days,
Video: Does your saddle fit?
This is a genius idea! Much easier than any other method I've seen!
Eco Friendly Equestrian: Barn Products
When you look at the ingredients of most products that are used in most barns, what do you see? A whole lotta crazy words that are hard to pronounce? Does anything look familiar? I'm sure you might recognize a few things, but there are so many ingredients that are harmful to the environment or to animals (humans included) that we
Pinteresting Finds #10: The Blazer – Essential Fall Fashion
One of my favorite items of clothing has always been the hunt coat, or "blazer". My husband can attest that I'm usually cold. Even if it's 105 degrees, I'll get cold in the house. I freeze at work. I freeze in the car (with him). OK, this is starting to sound a little too much like Green Eggs & Ham,